The initiatives of Kalamandir Foundation are completely the part of its corporate social responsibility. We have been catering to the needs of the society since our inception and we take pride in doing so.
The strength, power, and finances that helped us to serve the society are solely procured from the success of our businesses.
It’s not just money that makes things work; you should have power in the determination. Many of the big demonstrations that have happened in the world, big changes that have come through in the world, they didn’t happen through money. It’s all how determined and defined you are towards your path and passion.
There are many incredible people around us, who are struggling selflessly and seamlessly in and out to bring about the change in the society we are living in.
It is our honor to recognise and honor them not just for their work, but for their determination to do something for the society.
Kalamandir Foundation has come up with an impeccable thought and that’s how Seva Ratna Puraskar is born.
Seva Ratna Puraskar Award, will be an integral part of Kalamandir Foundation, where we choose five social workers, based on their contributions to the society and honor them with the Seva Ratna Puraskar Award.
Seva Ratna Puraskar Award has started from this year, i.e. 2019 and will seamlessly continue until the foundation exists.
Seva Ratna Puraskar Awardees for the year 2019

We might have surely come across many sets of parents who turn mad about their kids’ activities, be it in studying or playing. Most of the parents feel it as rocket science to raise the kids in a healthy direction. Then, what about the parents with mentally disabled kids, what could be their thinking.
Here comes a man, Mr Ramesh Chander Ejanthkar who is been handling the kids with intellectual disability along with imparting the strength & positivity to the parents. He is a man with morals, dedicated to society. He is the founder and the principal secretary of PAMENCAP- PARENTS ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS.
There are many kids with intellectual disability who have been benefited from PAMENCAP. He does it with no expectations and thinks that as his sole responsibility. The PAMENCAP was established in the year 1986, since then it has been catering to the needs of the mentally disabled kids in both Telugu States.
It’s the honor of Kalamandir Foundation, to honor a great personality like Mr Ramesh Chander Ejanthkar with our Seva Ratna Puraskar.
We have been hearing about fluorosis and its victims for ages. It has been one of the pivotal and major problems for the people living in and around the Nalgonda district.
The ignorance of people, lack of awareness about the things happening around them and to them, is a major drawback in this region. The ratio of people who were nearing to death in their early thirties due to fluorosis has been happening since a while in this region.
Mr Kanchukatla Subhash, a man who turned into new age Bhagirath, to get the Krishna water as a source of drinking, as it is the one and the only remedy to stop the propagation of fluorosis to the next generation. It is all because the fluorosis is been resonated to people all because of the water they drink, which has raised levels of fluorosis.
He was the one who was vocal about the problems of fluorosis. He is been fighting about these issues since the year 1992. After infinite struggles, he was able to vocalise his thoughts, aspirations and opinions in the assembly. And was able to get around 10000 litres of pure drinking water to around 1177 villages in and around the Nalgonda district.
Kalamandir Foundation is privileged to honor this greatest personality with our Seva Ratna Puraskar.
And we hope his dream of getting Krishna water for irrigation into the district of Nalgonda will soon be fulfilled with the support of the government, as it is the only way to completely eradicate fluorosis from that region.


Mr Modha Shiva Kumar is neither a weaver nor from a weaving background. But his invention has helped many weavers to cut down their efforts and replicate their income.
Mr Modha Shiva Kumar is a resident of Hindupur, Anantapur dist., Andhra Pradesh. His father was a watchman and mother a wage worker at the same school. He has completed his bachelors and also got admission into a reputed college after clearing ICET with good score. But he instead paved his path to invent machinery to help the weavers.
His thoughts and ideology to invent the weaving machine resonated all because of his weaver friend, who explained their struggles in weaving.
We see various designs on the sarees, but we fail to see the problems a weaver faces in getting the designs on to the saree. There is lots of investment and efforts that make a saree incredible. Lots of experiments and researches in this aspect have been happening from around 200 years.
It took around 15 years for Mr Modha Shiva Kumar to completely complete his invention. He has faced humongous struggles both mentally and financially while doing so. His father’s demise is greatest among them. But he never thought of giving up his idea and has achieved it with great effort.
He got an offer from a reputed company to sell the rights of his invention for a big figure, which he gently rejected, as he wanted his invention to be used by the weavers, who can’t afford if sold to big companies. He named his machinery as Jakard and made it available for the weavers.
It is our privilege to honor Mr Modha Shiva Kumar with our prestigious Seva Ratna Puraskar on behalf of Kalamandir Foundation.
Mr Gautam Kumar is from an army family. His father is an army officer and mother, a teacher. He has completed his degree in MBA with fruitful colors. And bagged a job at a multinational company with a six-figure salary. But, none of these could satisfy his zeal.
His commitment towards the society and its welfare, made him quit the job, and dedicate his life towards the wellbeing of the society.
Mr Gautam Kumar, started SERVE NEEDY, in his journey and started to contribute his service for people in need. The need could be anything. He is more into feeding the poor and hungry people. Providing the basic and medical facilities to the poor, paying proper tribute and last rituals to the dead orphan people, helping the cancer victims, both emotionally and financially, distributing recycled books and school bags to underprivileged school-going children, etc are few of his contributions to name.
He is also into organic farming and is spreading awareness on the same. At the age of 31 years, Mr Gautam Kumar has achieved so much, mainly the place in the hearts of many people. Inspired with his aspiration, his parents also joined him, which he takes pride in it.
It’s the honor of Kalamandir Foundation, to honor a great personality like Mr Gautam Kumar with our Seva Ratna Puraskar. And hope his contributions to society bring a great change in the peoples’ lives.


Mrs Neelima is an MBA and LLB degree holder. In spite of choosing a corporate career or starting up a business, she chooses to serve society, with integrity, dedication, and determination.
She found it difficult to digest when she saw unprivileged kids, orphans, kids who came out of the house. Mrs Neelima determined to do something for them. Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens, it the responsibility of each one of us to nurture them in the right direction. So, she took a step to adopt all these kids and provide them with education and pave them the right path and engrave them as the strongest building blocks of the society.
She started her journey with her finances, starting with 5 kids, her foundation CHERISH has now about more than a hundred children. Many have been benefited from this foundation. Inspired by Mrs Neelima’s motto and motive the support came pouring in, both in the form of finances and volunteers.
When you intend to do something good, don’t ever think about finances, they come their way. This is what she says in a humble tone.
Kalamandir Foundation has been donating its part to CHERISH foundation as a part of its CSR annually. And we honor Mrs Neelima with the prestigious Seva Ratna Puraskar from Kalamandir Foundations for all her contributions.